Patrick Hand

 Worlds of Birds Flamingos

flamingo bird wiki , voice , flamingo bird why pink , bird world flamingo , flamingo bird watching



A large number of people all over the world enjoy birds watching or birding. birds watching does not require a lot of equipment. A good pair of binoculars and a field guide is sufficient to help you identify the bird. India is home to over 1200 species of bird. Here are some tip to remember as you set out to watch that birdie:

1 )  Maintain silence.

2 ) Avoid harassment and don
’t disturb the birds. 

3 ) Be extra careful during the breeding season of the birds. 

4 ) Do not handle eggs or young ones or disturb the nests.

5 ) Don’t use audiotapes of bird calls to attract birds, unless
very necessary for some research. 

6 ) Follow all rules of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. 

7 ) Divide larges group of people into smaller, more manageable number.  

8 ) Do not litter the birds watching zone.   

Tags :
Worlds of Birds Flamingos
flamingo bird watching merzouga
bird world flamingo
flamingo bird why pink


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