Patrick Hand

The Goal of Doorway Pages Tool is to Achieve High Rankings for Multiple Keywords

What is Doorway Pages blackhat SEO?

Doorway Pages is to achieve high rankings for multiple keywords or terms. The optimizer will create a separate page for each keyword or term. Some optimizers use hundreds of these pages. Doorway pages typically use a fast meta refresh to redirect users to the main page. A meta refresh is an HTML command that automatically switches users to another page after a specified period of time. Meta refresh is typically used on out of date.

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 Web pages—you often see pages that state you will be taken to the new page after 5 s. A fast meta refresh occurs almost instantly, so the user is not aware of it. All of the major search engines now remove pages that contain meta refresh. Of course, the black hats have fought back with a variety of other techniques, including the use of Javascript for redirects. This is the specific technique that caused Google to ban and 

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Doorway pages and cloaking: Doorway pages are used to gain high rankings in search results in a deceitful manner. These pages contain keywords and phrases that are picked up by search-engine bots and crawlers. Once you click to access the page, you are redirected to the actual page that the site owners want you to visit. 

Cloaking is a mechanism that renders a page visible to search engines but not website users. This short-sighted technique can prove detrimental in the long run. Google has announced penalties for using doorways, deceptive redirects, and cloaking.

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The problem is that the website lacks any kind of traditional site architecture. The link juice (ranking power) coming from the hundreds of thousands of domains that link to this company’s homepage has no way of traveling to the other webpages on this domain. All of the link juice is essentially bottled up at the front door. Its content is located on at least 20 different domains,

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 and there is no global navigation that leads users or search engines from the homepage down to categorized pages. The company’s online presence is more like a thousand islands rather than the super continent it could be. It is an enormous waste of resources and is directly affecting the company’s bottom line in a real way.

 When explaining site architecture to clients, I start out by asking them to visualize a website like an ant hill. All of the chambers are like Webpages and the tunnels are like internal links. I then have them imagine a little boy pouring water into the ant hill. He pours it down the main entrance and wants to have it fill all of the chambers.

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 (As a side note, scientists actually have done this with cement to study the structure of ant metropolises. In one case, they had to pour 10 tons of liquid cement into an ant hill before it filled all of the chambers.) In this analogy the water represents the flow of link juice to Webpages. 

As discussed earlier, this link juice (popularity) is essential for rankings. The optimal structure for a website (or ant hill, if you must) would look similar to a pyramid. This structure allows the most possible juice to get to all of the website’s pages with the fewest number of links. This means that every page on the website gets some ranking benefit from the homepage. 

A doorway page is a web page submitted to search engine spiders that has been designed to satisfy the specific algorithms for various search engines but is not intended to be viewed by visitors. Basically they do not earn the rankings but instead deceive the search engines into rankings by design and keyword‐stuffing tricks that you’d never want to put on a page for a user to see. 

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Doorway pages are there to spam the search engine index (the database of information from which search engines draw their primary results) by cramming it full of relevant keywords and phrases so that it appears high on the results page for a particular keyword, but when the user clicks it, he or she is automatically redirected to another site or page within the same site that doesn’t rank on its own. Doorway pages are there only for the purpose of being indexed, and there is no intention for anyone to use those pages. 

Sometimes more sophisticated spammers build a doorway page with viewable, relevant content in order to avoid being caught by the search engine, but most of the time a doorway page is made to be viewed only by a spider. Doorway pages are often used in tandem with deceptive redirection, which we discuss in the following section.

"Here are questions to ask of pages that could be seen as doorway pages: Is the purpose to optimize for search engines and funnel visitors into the actual usable or relevant portion of your site, or are they an integral part of your site’s user experience? Are the pages intended to rank on generic terms yet the content presented on the page is very specific? Do the pages duplicate useful aggregations of items (locations, products, etc.) that already exist on the site for the purpose of capturing more search traffic? Are these pages made solely for drawing affiliate traffic and sending users along without creating unique value in content or functionality? Do these pages exist as an ‘island?’ Are they difficult or impossible to navigate to from other parts of your site? Are links to such pages from other pages within the site or network of sites created just for search engines?”

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Doorway pages are essentially low-quality pages, created with the sole intention of increasing rankings in Google, that then funnel users into other actual useful areas of the site. It’s an old-school, black-hat technique sometimes effective for increasing traffic —that is, until Google put an end to it. A red flag for this tactic is proactively building pages for search engines, but keeping these pages hidden from users.

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 Another red flag is advertising affiliate offers (a.k.a selling someone else’s product for a commission) without creating real value or content for the user beforehand. Steer clear of these two red flags and you will be unaffected by the Doorway Pages update. To be clear, if your site has a directory structure with multiple pages for cities or service areas, 

this is fine as long as the pages offer unique and valuable content for uses, such as; unique content, rich text and images, maps or videos.


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