Patrick Hand

  Adventure sports is journey of Confidence, Full Adventure sports with type and define

Adventure sports are also popularly known as 'extreme sports'. As a matter of fact,adventure sports are usually outdoor sports which involve intense and sometimes lilfe-threatening action, which create an adventurous atmosphere. Individuals, who are involved in adventure sports, compete against nature rather than competing against another individual. Adventures sports are those sports which are related to unlimited thrill, exitement, entertaiment and adventure. Individuals take parts in such sports for passion and entertaiment and due to strong urge for thrill and adventure. By taking parts in adventure sports one can learn about oneself conquer the fear and inhibitions and have a sense of archievement or success.                                      These sports are not just for fun but they have a number of benifits too. Indeed, adventurous sports provide a sense of exhilaration, motivation and confindence. These sports help participants lead their life in a better way. They are motivated and hence develop the courage to face the various obstacles in life.

                        Definitions of Adventure Sports 

adventurous sports are those sports that involve extraordinary speed, scaling heights, physical exertion and death-defying stunts. These sports include rock climbinig, mountaineering, rafting, scuba diving, trekking, base jumping, skiing, hang gliding, paragliding,wind surfing, sky diving, kayaking, etc.

 The following definition may be helpful to know the clearcut meaning of adventure sports.Adventure sports can be defined as outdoor sports or activities in which the participant competes in  a natural enviornment more against himself/hereself than againts others.Adventure sports are definined as activities in which there is high degree of risk to the participants. In facts, definition of adventure sports is embedded in its name. these some of these involve thrilling and adventurous, death-defying feats achieved with a sporting mindset. Some of these sports require more athletic ability than other but it is fact that all adventure sports need a strong mental makeup.

Objectives of Adventure Sports

To Develop Self Confidence

To Build Concentration

To Nurture Bonding with Nature

To Face Challenges against Odd Situations

To Use Abundant Energy

To Provide Exhilaration, Amusement and Excitement

To Encourage Creative 

To Develop Mental and Physical Fitness

To Improve Social Relations

                      Types of Adventure sports 

1. Rock Climbing  🧗‍♂️ :  

                                             Rock Climbing is one of the most dangerous sports activties which reqiures a strong  mental control, agility, flexibility, endurance and various coordinative abilities such as  balance coordination , reaction ,  ability, rhythm, etc. In fact, it is  an activtiy in which participants climb on natural rock formation or on artificial  rock walls. The goals is to reach at the apex or summit of formation or the end point of  a predetermined route without falling. 

To successfully complete a climb, the participaints must come to the base safely. Competitions are also organised in rock climbing. These competitions have objectives either to complete the pre-fixed route in the minimum timer or to attain the fartest point on difficults route. There are different types of climbing such as Aid climbing, free climbing, trad or traditional climbing, sports climbing, top rope climbing, free soloing and Bouldering.

        2. Trekking : 

                                 Trekking is an adventure sports. It is not easy task to do trekking indeed, its needs a lot of courage and confidence along with a strong physique. A trek is a long journey on foot, especially in the mountains. Trekking refers to making the long an difficult journey on the mountains for pleasure or sports. Trekking is a part of adventure travel and expedition. The duration of trekking can be as less as day to over a month. It depends on the particular region, personal interest and physical fitness of participants. It is better to make trekking trips in groups with appropriate planning. Trekking is a benefical adventurous activity for every individual. It helps in building self-confidense. It improves the cardiovascular system. It also improves the general health condition.

                                    Types of Trekking 

(a) Easy Trekking:The individuals, especially the beginners,are offered easy trek. There is no difficult climbing 🧗‍♂️. Its means there is no -climbing on high altitudes. such treks usually provide colorful visuals of whole series of mountain ranges.

(b) Moderate Trekking : Modratebtreks are slightly difficults and challenging than easy treks. For modrate trekking thr participants or trekkers should be more energetic. Such trekking is usually longer than roughly ten days of walking up and down. It is usually arranged on slightly higher altitudes.

(c)  Strenuous Trekking : strenuous trekking needs a lot of physical efforts, energy and determination. In such type of trekking some previous experience in mountain walking is required. These treks involve ascents to high altitude usually up to 5000 meter(m). They also involve some steep climbing.

(d)  Difficults Trekking : This type of trekking is suitable only for real adventure seekers. Some steep ascents to high altitude are involved in this type of tekking. The participants must have enough endurance to complete such treks as may last approximately more than one month.

3. River Rafting


  River Rafting is also one of the major activities of adventure sports. It is a real thrilling sports activity. Indeed, bumping and swiriling ove the rushing water spontaneously makes river rafting a thrilling sports. It is also popularly known as white water rafting. River rafting vecame popular adventure sports during the mid 1970s. It is a challenging sport. It involve rivere. There are several rafting competitions which are held around the world. River rafting provides a thrilling experience of riding through rough and untamed water rush. the river rafting experience involves acomplete detachment some paths of river may be.

Grade 1 : Very small areas, easy waves, mainly flat water. Genrally it does not requires any maneuvering. Beginners can enjoy this type of water.

Grade 2 : Some rough water. There may be some rocks. It may require some maneuvering.

Grade 3 : There may be difficults passages. Due to bubble, the water may look white. This type of water may be require significants maneuvering in the raft. At this level, prior experience and strong paddling skills are required.

Grade 4 : There may be large waves. There may be rocks. Sharps maneuvers may be required. This grade should not be attempted without proper experience.

Grade 5 : It is extremely difficult level. There may be large waves. Volume of water may be also be large. There may be large rocks. It needs very precise maneuvering. Only the participants with advanced experience should attempt it.

Grade 6 : At this grade or level, rafters can expect to face huge waves. This level is very tough which demands great physical and mental toughness. At this level, there may be injury or death. Successful completion of such level without serious injury or death is usually thought to be due to luck or extraordinary skill. 

4. Mountaineering :Mountaineering is another type of adventurous sports prevailing all over world. It is one the finest outdoor opportunities available to the lovers of high places. It is about putting hands and feet onto rocks and ice and finally reaching a summit.

Mountaineering is an adventurous sports that combines climbling and hiking up mountains or mountain terrains. An individual who wishes to get involved in this sports needs to have tremendous endurance, agility, strength, experience and strong mental power. It may involve normal rocky or snowy enviornments. There are various reason why most of the enthusiastic individuals take part in mountaineering. In facts, it challenges an individual's capabilities and skills. In addition to this, itis also a great way to be in  the lap of nature. Mountaineering is also considered as a form of relaxation and exercise. There is no doubt that mountaineering is a strenuous and dangerous activity but even then it is also thought that it is worth undertaking to experience the sight of rare and wonderful views after reaching the summit.There are three basic forms of climbling which depends on the track condition. The first of them is rock climbling. This forms of mountaineering involves rocky slopes. The next forms of mountaineering is the snow and ice climbling. It is dangerous because it involve routes with glaciers. The third form of mountaineering combines both the rocky and snow route which make it the most difficult of the three.

6. Surfing 🏄 : Surfing is an exciting water sport in which a person  rides waves is now Hawaii, were surfing before explorer Christopher Columbus, sailed to the New World in 1942. Today surfing is popular in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, France, Indonesia, Japan, Portugal, Peru, South Africa and the United States.

All forms of surfing requires exaxt timing and sharp reflexes to stay balanced. Surfers should also be able to anticipate what a breaking wave will do. There are nine aquatic activities that can be classified as surfing. In surfing, the surfer lies, kneels ,sits , or stands on board or sits in a kayak or canoe. Ancient Hawaiians surfed on wooden boards that were up to 18 feet (5.5 meters long). 


Today surfers use boards made of a strong, light weight plastic called polyurethane foam wrapped in fiber glass sealed with resins.Generally, boards under 7 feet(2 meters) long in lenght are called short boards, while those 7 feet and over are called long boards. Short boards are more popular, while those 7 feet and over are called long boards. Shorts boards are more popular today. A typical short boards is 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2 meters) long, and about 20 inches(51 centimetres) wide, and about 2.5 inches(6.4 centimetres) thick. It weight from 6 to 8 pounds(2.7 to 3.6 kilograms).

Expert surfers tend at stand at thr front of the boards. Less experienced surfers tend to stand at the centre to maintain better control. Skilled surfers may perform such difficult maneuvers as 360's(complete circular turns on the face of the wave).Many surfers train for surfing by running on the beach ⛱, body building and body surfing. To body surf, they enter the water and wait until a high wave start moving towards the shore. Then the body surfers do a scissors kick, spreading their legs apart and bringing them together forcefully in the direction of the shore. Body surfing provides a sense of balance and gives a knowledge of waves that is good for training in all other aquatic events.

Benifits of Surfing :

Improve cardiovascular fitness

Shoulder and back are strengthened

Develops leg strength.

To spend time outdoor and enjoy the natural enviornment.

A good outlet for stress and tension.

7. Paragliding :

  Paragliding is a recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliding: lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure. It is the closed for humans to get the feeling of flying like a bird. It is a fun, safe way to experience flight in its simplest form.

A paragliding is a foot-launched, ram-air, airfoil canopy, flown and landed with no other energy than the wind, gravity, and the piolt's muscle power.


The entire paragliding set includes wing, harmness and helmet. It weight less than 20 kilos and easily fits into a backpack. paragliding are restricted form flying above 18,000 feet.

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